Vision, Mission and Values
Updated from the YRMPA 2020-2025 Strategic Plan (adopted Feb. 2020 – before COVID-19)
VISION STATEMENT (dream/aspiration)
To realize the full potential of an inspired and involved community, which provides an epic and world-class paddling event in the Yukon.
MISSION STATEMENT (mandate/purpose)
To host a marathon-paddling race on the Yukon River, providing an opportunity for personal challenge and accomplishment, in a unique, Northern wilderness setting.
VALUES (state of being)
The YRMPA has been in operation since 1998. We are made up of a solid volunteer base of people who are passionate about marathon paddling and hosting the longest annual marathon-paddling race, the Yukon River Quest.
We are:
• Adventurous, forward-looking and pro-active
We will:
Strive to instil trust with our stakeholders and within our community – by this we mean:
- We will do what we say we can do and what our community expects us to do
- Our actions will be predicable and un-wavering – our community counts on us to behave in a predictable manner
- We will act fairly, honestly and ethically; we will practice diplomacy
- We will act in a sustainable manner by building, managing and protecting our resources (Yukon River, time, money, locations, people, influence, etc.) to ensure we adequately address the needs of our stakeholders and our organization (environmental, economic, and social).
We value:
- Environmental stewardship
- Indigenous culture
- Yukon River history
- Youth engagement
- Camaraderie and community
- Physical and mental wellness
- Accomplishment and hard work
2024 Board of Directors & AGM Report
Jason Biensch (President), Ric Horobin (Vice President), Linda Casson (Secretary-Treasurer), Stephen Mooney, Mike DeAbreu, Brandon Johnston, Bill Stanzeleit, Chris Spence.
The above slate of directors was approved at the December 6, 2023 Annual General Meeting. See YRMPA AGM MINUTES DRAFT & PRESIDENT’S REPORT. Members thanked departing board members Spencer Edelman and Anne Jessup.
Memberships are free for each year, but the attached form [click here] must be completed, signed and scanned and sent to